Origins of Poker


Poker is a game in which the odds of winning are based on luck. In the past, some players have been more fortunate than others, while others have had much less luck. The odds of winning will generally decrease as the number of hands dealt declines. However, as the number of hands increases, the luck factor will continue to play a role. Overall, the expected value of the game will approximate a normal bell-shaped curve. Despite the inherent chance of winning, the chances of winning are much higher in poker than in other games.

The name “poker” is derived from several earlier games, including stud poker, draw poker, and Texas hold ’em. Jonathan H. Green is believed to have attached the term “poker” to a game of cheating after seeing it being played on a Mississippi riverboat. He described a game played between two to four players with a deck of twenty cards, containing only Aces. Then, he wrote about the game and decided to give it the name.

Poker’s seedy origins are undisputed. It’s possible that pickpockets used the word “poke” as a slang term. This word was used by players who cheated on unsuspecting opponents. The addition of the “r” was likely a ploy to confuse those who knew the slang. Although the origins of the game are obscure, the game’s name has become a part of its history.