The Basics of Poker


Poker is a card game played between two or more players. Players make a hand by combining their own two cards with the five community cards dealt to the table. The goal is to win the pot, or all of the chips bet by all players, by having the best possible five-card poker hand. The game is based on incomplete information; a player does not know what other players are holding, but he or she can learn much from studying the tells, or nonverbal signals, of the other players at the table.

A poker game starts with the players placing a mandatory bet called an ante into the pot. This raises the total amount of chips staked in the game to the minimum level for betting (this is known as the “equalization method”). Afterwards, each player is dealt two cards and must decide whether to open, or bet, with his or her own cards.

A player who opens must place a bet equal to or higher than the amount raised by the last raiser in order to stay in the pot. If a player declines to do this, he or she must fold and forfeit the right to compete for the pot. During this phase of the game, players often bluff to protect their vulnerable hands or to distract opponents from noticing certain nuances in their behavior. A poker player must be able to read the body language of the other players at the table in order to detect these cues, and to adapt his or her strategy accordingly.