Poker is one of the world’s most popular card games. It is a game of chance that involves bluffing, psychology and game theory. Unlike many other games of chance, players’ actions in Poker are chosen on the basis of expected value and the desire to maximize their long-term chances of success. Although the outcome of any particular hand is significantly dependent on chance, a player’s long-run expectations are largely determined by his or her actions and influenced by the psychology and game theory of his or her opponents.

To play poker, you need a deck of cards and at least three other people to share in the betting. The deck is shuffled and cut several times. Then cards are dealt face-down to each player. Each player then places an ante into the pot. After each round of betting, the cards are revealed and the best poker hand wins the pot.

When it is your turn to act, you can say “call” to add more money to the betting pool or “raise” to increase your own bet. If you call, the other players must either match your raise or fold their cards. If you fold, you do not receive any additional cards and your hand is dead.

The secret to success in poker, as in business, is finding a situation in which you have a positive edge over your competitors. This is called “game selection.” The great imperative, as Nietzsche put it, is to love your fate—amor fati—and choose every moment that comes upon you as if you had invented it yourself.