The game of poker has an apocryphal origin, but it is probably related to the 17th-century French game poque, from which the word poker was derived. Over the years, this game evolved into a new version of primero and later on the English word poker. French settlers in North America brought poker with them and later developed the game into an international game. Various variations of the game are played today, but this overview covers most of them.
Forced bets are a common part of poker. The forced bets can come in three forms: antes, blinds, and bring-ins. The players must raise the same number of chips in each pot. The player with the highest hand wins the pot. The betting intervals are usually divided into two or more phases. During the first betting interval, players make a bet. After a certain period of time, the player with the highest hand wins.
In addition to high-hand ranking, the highest five-card hand is called a straight. A straight can contain any number of cards and can include an ace. A straight with an ace as the highest card wins the pot. In case of a tie between two straights, the highest straight wins the pot. A straight with three digits in its value, for example, beats a pair of fours or an ace and a two-card low card.